LTI’s Export Control Consultants Offer
Customized Compliance Strategies

Leveraging decades of experience in corporate leadership, law enforcement, and the US
civil service, LTI’s export control consultants help companies weave their international
trade compliance efforts into an optimized strategy for growth in global trade.

Your Customized Compliance
Strategy. Our Export Control

LTI’s export control consultants help you not just understand global import and export regulations, but also maintain compliance with all necessary import and export control regulations and turn your trade compliance into a business advantage.
Full compliance with trade regulations—achieved through transparency in your compliance practices—is the key to maintaining sustainable growth while thriving in competitive global markets. 

Your Customized Compliance Strategy. Our Export Control Consultants.
Export Controls and Compliance

A Better Compliance Strategy
Means Better Business

LTI’s export control consultants help you not just understand global import and export regulations, but also maintain compliance with all necessary import and export control regulations and turn your trade compliance into a business advantage.
Full compliance with trade regulations—achieved through transparency in your compliance practices—is the key to maintaining sustainable growth while thriving in competitive global markets. 

Export Control

Every consultation will be customized around your unique needs and goals. Some of the most
commonly offered services include:

  • End-user and end-use screening, to include full due diligence reports.
  • Assistance with Validated End User (VEU) applications.
  • Assistance with item classification (ECCN) under the Commerce Control List (CCL), the United States Munitions List (USML), as well as foreign products that are subject to regulatory agencies of other governments such as Europe and China.
  • Assistance in obtaining export licenses from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM).
  • Assistance with obtaining end user statements (EUS) from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM).
  • Assistance with export license applications from other countries to facilitate exports to China.
  • Provision of Chinese industry sector reports on export controls.

LTI’s Internal Compliance
Program services include:

  • Evaluation and establishment of compliance programs in English and Chinese.
  • Complete audits of existing compliance programs.
  • Training in English and Chinese for relevant staff.
  • Ongoing supervision and support of LTI-designed compliance programs.